Current System Status

Use this page to check the status of the network any time. Below, you'll find the latest details on any issues or planned system maintenance that may affect service. We recommend all customers bookmark this page for quick and easy access.

If you experience service issues other than those listed below, please contact Support.



Latest Fault ID

Upgrade ID


Cloud Backup 9:00 AM AEST
Control Panel CP Maintenance 23:00 Hrs AEST
Microsoft 365 9:00 AM AEST
Hosted Exchange 9:00 AM AEST
Virtual Private Servers (VPS) 09:00 AM AEST
Website Hosting  09:00 AM AEST
Rushfiles 09:00 AM AEST
Network 09:00 AM AEST
Phone System 09:00 AM AEST

Title: Control Panel at

User Impact: Offline Control Panel Access (Hosted Services Unaffected)

Current status: Online, slow

Workaround: N/A